S.T.E.(a.)M. Concepts

Science = Hard Core. Creative. Edgy.
Be Bold. Paint with Light.
I started off as biochemist with a background in art conservation. I helped conserve period piece clothes for the Harley Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, WI and worked with identifying natural and synthetic dyes and fibers. As I got older, I wanted to share my knowledge of how the art and science industries overlapped and became a certified teacher at the University of Chicago charter school system. It was really an amazing time, and I started writing curriculum and piloting different ideas I had with my students at the time.

With a professional background in science education and art conservation, I had this crazy notion that I could effectively teach sophisticated science, technology, engineering, and math concepts through dollhouse miniatures and the arts. I began developing unique S.T.E.a.M. curriculum for my 7th and 8th grade students who, at the time, were extremely gifted and eager learners. We investigated the concept of the Urban Ecosystem, and the students were exploring at different types of green technology such as green roofs, solar energy, and alternative building materials. We did build models and scale replicas to an extent, and once I retired from teaching, I continued to develop new curriculum and educational workshops with tweens and teens. I offer workshops that include Pourquoi Tales (evolution of species), Forensic Anthropology (physics and chemistry), Color Mixing (physics and chemistry), and Green Technology (engineering and technology).

I am now proud to introduce to you, The Artists at Play Workshop Series, an avant-garde, results-driven approach to S.T.E.M.

Candy Corn Cake Pop Ornament w/ Pumpkin Frosting
I will be updating this page with information on upcoming workshops which include course descriptions, objectives, science content, and photographs. All workshop curriculum is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards and taught using the Mini Lesson Model.

For a more in depth look at workshop structure and teaching methodology please visit http://thedribblypear.blogspot.com/p/our-teaching-methodology.html


Teacher Sample of Color Theory Flippable
Course Description
In this workshop, students will explore the scientific principles behind color. They will learn subtractive and additive color mixing techniques by engaging in fun, quirky activities including:
     -Sculpting with polymer clay (cake pop ornament)
     -Painting with light (chemiluminescence)
By the end of the class students will be able to explain why and how humans interpret and create color. Students will take home a cake pop ornament and educational handouts on more cool DIY science projects.

Student creating cake pop ornament out of polymer clay

Age Levels
4th-8th Grade
High School
18+ Adults

Workshop Objectives
Using chemiluminescence to create primary additive colors, students will be able to assess the outcomes of additive color mixing combinations and then project how these findings relate to their subtractive color mixing results.

Through the creation of a 3D polymer clay scale model, students will be able to experiment with two subtractive color mixing techniques to determine and manipulate the outcomes of different primary color combinations.

Next Generation Science Standards
PS4.A Wave Properties
PS4.B Electromagnetic Radiation

-I will be able to identify different types of radiation in the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
-I will be able to explain the difference between additive and subtractive color mixing as well as the primary and secondary colors in each type of color mixing.
-I will be able to compare two theories on why humans can see color.
-I will be able to create new secondary colors from primary colors using two methods of subtractive color mixing.

Scientific Principles
Wave-Particle Duality
Color Theory
Light Absorption, Transmission, Reflection
Skill Sets
Compare/ Contrast

Student predictions of Additive Color Mixing after using chemiluminescence (glow sticks) demo

Scientific Wonderings
- What is COLOR?
- How is COLOR produced?
- Why and how do we see color?
- Is there a relationship between the color of food and a person's willingness to eat it?
- What are the psychological effects of color on emotions? On consumerism? 

In order to understand what color is, let's first take a look at the Electromagnetic Spectrum and additive color. The electromagnetic spectrum refers to the entire range of electromagnetic RADIATION present in our universe. This radiation consists of PHOTONS, or light particles, that carry energy, and these photons travel as WAVES.

COLOR is...
-A property, or characteristic, of light (only applies to subtractive color)
-Observable when light is either emitted (light) or reflected (absorbed)
-Falls between the specific wavelengths (  ) of 400 nm - 700 nm which represent only a small portion of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (visible light).

In 1672, after using a prism to refract white light and observe  the resulting component colors, Sir Isaac Newton organized these colors into what we now know as the color wheel. While we still use Newton's color wheel, which shows the basic relationship between colors, arranges PRIMARY and SECONDARY colors opposite their COMPLEMENTARY color, and even makes a connection between color and sound/ pitch, we have access to more advanced technology which has helped expand our knowledge of color mixing.

There are two ways to mix color:

    If light is emitted, we use...  ___________________________________ Color Mixing...
    ...with the Primary Colors                ...with secondary colors...
       RED                                               MAGENTA
       BLUE                                             CYAN
       YELLOW                                      YELLOW

    If light is reflected, we use... ___________________________________ Color Mixing...
    ...with the Primary Colors                ... with Secondary Colors

        MAGENTA                                  ORANGE
        CYAN                                           GREEN
        YELLOW                                     PURPLE

ADDITIVE        -Color created by light (Emission)
COLOR             -Not a property of light
                           -A way that the human eye perceives color
In order to understand what color is, let's first take a look at the Electromagnetic Spectrum and additive color. The electromagnetic spectrum refers to the entire range of electromagnetic RADIATION present in our universe. This radiation consists of PHOTONS, or light particles, that carry energy, and these photons travel as WAVES.

Unfortunately, humans can only see the tiny portion of the EM Spectrum known as VISIBLE LIGHT.

Paint Sample Flippable Activity: Illustrating which wavelengths activate S, M, and L Photoreceptor Cells

Humans have trichromatic vision thanks to the S, M, and L CONES, or color receptor cells in our eyes. S, M, and L stand for short, medium, and long wavelengths. The S cones are able to detect shorter wavelengths around 445nm, the M cones and L cones overlap, perceiving wavelengths between 540nm - 565nm and as far as 600nm - 700nm.

In addition to the S, M, and L cones being capable of sensing different wavelengths of light, there are also cells, known as COLOR OPPONENT GANGLION CELLS, that help the brain to interpret these different wavelengths. We know that there are certain colors that, when combined, do not create new colors. For instance, yellow and blue cannot be perceived as a bluish-yellow color, nor can there be a greenish-red color.

These colors cannot exist together, so we call them opponent colors. The opponent color process works through three channels, the white/black channel (luminance), blue/yellow channel, and red/green channel. Once a particular set of cones have been activated by certain wavelengths of light, different channels pick up on this stimulus. Depending on the combinations of particular wavelengths, we are able to perceive the entire spectrum of color.

Paint Sample Flippable Activity: Optical Illusions illustrate basis for Ewald Hering's 1957 research for Opponent Color Theory / After Images

               B/Y, R/G, Luminance


SO.... how does this science all play out when observing or mixing additive primary colors? First, SPECTRAL COLORS are defined by a specific wavelength between about 400 nm and 700 nm. When spectral primary colors are overlapped, our eyes perceive these combined WAVELENGTHS as new colors somewhere between the original wavelengths. When all wavelengths on the visible light spectrum are combined, we see WHITE LIGHT. The shift from black (absence of light) to white as new wavelengths are ADDED, is the reason we call this type of color mixing "ADDITIVE."


ADDITIVE                 Colors that result when two primary
SECONDARY            additive colors are combined in equal
COLORS                    portions. They appear brighter than
                                    the primary colors. They are also the
                                    primary subtractive colors.

            RED + GREEN = YELLOW
            GREEN + BLUE = ________________
            RED + BLUE = ________________

Now we are going to use chemiluminescence to create the three primary additive colors. Based on our findings, we will make a conjecture, or hypothesis, as to what these combinations (composite colors) of primary colors will yield.

Example 1
CLAIM:         I hypothesis that mixing spectral red with spectral green will yield a perception   
                       of yellow.

EVIDENCE:     Spectral red range is 620nm - 740nm
                          Spectral green range is 495 nm - 570 nm
                          Spectral yellow range is 570 nm - 590 nm
                          M cones and L cones perceive wavelengths
                          between 540 nm - 565 nm and 600 nm - 700 nm

REASONING: I think that mixing red and green light will produce the perception of yellow because both the M and the L cones in our eyes will respond to these two colors. The M cones are designed to pick up on the green, or medium size wavelengths. The L cones also pick up on the medium size        wavelengths but also can pick up on longer wavelengths. Instead of seeing both red and green             at the same time, our brain will interpret the combination of these colors as yellow when there             is a balance point in the long wavelengths at 573 nanometers (unique yellow, a psychologically           primary color).

An artist who uses a medium that involves any sort of pigment (paints, inks, dyes) is actually using light absorption principles to create and manipulate color. ABSORPTION occurs when light shines on a surface. The wavelengths that are not absorbed by the surface of the object are reflected back to us as that object's color. When all wavelengths on the visible light spectrum are absorbed, we are left with black. The shift from white (like the surface of a canvas) to black as wavelengths are SUBTRACTED and absorbed, is the reason we call this type of color mixing "SUBTRACTIVE. 

Student Sample Two Color Wheel Samples: Exploring subtractive color mixing using Red, Yellow, Blue primary colors vs Magenta, Yellow, Cyan primary colors. Students compare two color wheels based on Newton's research and modern CMYK technology.

Teacher Sample: Rotating Color Wheels w/ Brad Fastener

When we talk about HUE, we are referring to the pure state of a specific color on the visible spectrum, ROY G BIV.

When we look at color VALUE, we are differentiating between relative darkness and lightness of a particular color. We mix white (or tint) to make a color lighter. We mix black (shade) to make a color darker.


When we look at color SATURATION, we are looking at how pure the hue is. We are increasing or decreasing color intensity, or chroma, by adding the opposite, or complementary color. The closer a color is to its hue, or pure state, the brighter the color.
This is a contrast of saturation. It moves toward grey/neutral tones between two complementary colors.

All information posted here is for personal use only. All art and graphics were designed by Marieke Van Der Maelen for The Dribbly Pear.

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